Bringing Hybrid
Vision Services
Where They Are Needed Most
Request Hybrid Vision Services
Who Is Virtual TVI?
Virtual TVI was founded in 2021. As it became clear that students returning to in person school did not mean virtual services were no longer needed, Virtual TVI was born to meet the needs of a rapidly growing school-aged population of students with visual impairments. There are shortages in the education field nation wide, but the vision field has been especially suffering for qualified teachers as so many retire while not enough new teachers graduate. As medical technology advances, more premature infants and children with diseases are being saved and entering the special education system in need of vision support.
We believe that EVERY child with a visual impairment should have access to a Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired to provide guidance to the IEP team in all areas of the student’s education, as well as direct services in the Expanded Core Curriculum if needed. That’s why we provide experienced and caring TVIs to work with you and your team to ensure every VI student teachers their full potential. Whether you need a full time TVI for your district, some part time help to ease the burden on your in-person TVIs, an evaluation for your charter school student who just brought an eye report to school, short term coverage for your TVI’s maturity leave, or summer tutoring for your Braille reading child, we can provide it.
Who Is A TVI?
A TVI is a Teacher of the Visually Impaired, also called a TSBVI Teacher of Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired. They teach the Expanded Core Curriculum for the Visually Impaired, which consists of 9 areas that students with low vision or blindness often need direct instruction to learn. Research says that up to 90% of the information we take in is visual. So a student who has limited or no vision is going to miss out on a lot of incidental learning, which is the information most children pick up just by observing others.
Vision affects all areas of life, which is why it is so important that a Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired conducts a Functional Vision and Learning Media Assessment on any student ages 0-22 who is suspected of having visual difficulties that cannot be corrected by glasses, etc. The 9 areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum that a Teacher of the Visually Impaired will assess and instruction in include: Sensory Efficiency, Compensatory Skills, Independent Living Skills, Assisstive Technology, Social Skills, Orientation and Mobility, Self-Adcovcacy Skills, Recreation and Leisure Skills, and Career Education.
Our Hybrid Services & Competencies
Functional Vision Assessments
Learning Media Assessments
Expanded Core Curriculum Assessments
Assistive Technology Assessments
Advocacy Services
Ongoing Services
IEP Direct Vision Services
IEP Consult Vision Services
Tutoring for vision skills
Compensatory Vision Services
Extended School Year Vision
Supplemental or Specialized Vision Services
Our Competencies
Unified English Braille code
Nemeth (math) Braille code
Music Braille code
Spanish Braille code
Computer Braille code
Visual Efficiency Skills development
such as Matt Connect, Jupiter, Juno, and Ruby
Screen readers
such as JAWS, Voice Over, and NVDA
Braille note takers
such as Braille Note Touch Plus, Mantis 40, and Chameleon
Accessibility features on computers
Touch Typing without sight
Tactile skills development
Career interest exploration and ADA laws
Team trainings about Visual Impairment
Trainings in visual impairment accommodations for other assessors
Parent coaching
CVI strategies
Deafblind strategies
Our Service Area
Virtual TVI has licensed, insured, experienced Certified Teachers of the Visually Impaired in the following states:
South Carolina
We are frequently onboarding additional TVIs as well as adding new state certifications, so if your state is not listed, contact us anyway!
Are you a Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired looking to add remote services to your portfolio?
We offer both part and full time positions as independent contractors, meaning you keep control over your schedule, hours, and workload! Fill out the form below to get started:
Meet Our Founder
Elizabeth Webb is a Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired of 11 years and a professional harpist who has been playing harp for over 27 years. She studied Harp Performance and Elementary Education in her undergrad at Biola University and did a Master’s in Visual Impairment at the University of Arizona. Elizabeth taught in-person at the Arizona School for the Blind as well as in two itinerant public school districts before deciding to move into an RV and travel the country while teaching students online who may not be able to find an in-person teacher. She loves being an independent contractor with the flexibility to schedule both VI lessons and harp lessons from wherever she may be, using her Starlink internet and Google Calendar’s handy time zone converter. After 3 years of full-time travel across the US and Mexico, Elizabeth and her husband Joshua moved to an off-grid property in the Colorado mountains at 10,300 feet elevation and started a homestead. With no worries about being snowed in or commute time, Elizabeth is able to teach VI students across the 5 states she is certified in, covering public, charter, and home tutoring students as needed. She enjoys coming up with creative solutions to increase efficiency, engagement, and organization across her many students. In her free time, Elizabeth enjoys raising wolf-dog puppies, playing the harp, crocheting, and archery.